Archive for the ‘Motorbikes’ Category

At least, I assume so.

This video, which I was first alerted to a month ago and really should have shared with you all sooner, comes from a round of the French Road Racing Promosport championship at Magny-Cours.  The crash is standard enough: the rider of bike 133 loses the front end on the run to the Adelaide hairpin, sending his machine along the road just quickly enough to clip the unfortunate rider of bike number 6, running in the pack just ahead.

It’s the aftermath that makes this one special.  The two-wheeled tango that follows is a rhythmic, sensuous affair straight from the ballroom floor, while number 6’s rider is the real hero of the piece.  Have a look at this and see if you can work out exactly what he’s aiming to achieve:

You read that title, you nodded, you shrugged, you wondered where the story was.  While the title of this post would stand up in court without any further explanation, point your browser here for an introduction to the new SuperMartxe VIP by Paris Hilton racing team.  In a possible first for this particular lady of unexplained celebrity, the site is 100% safe for work.

If you listen very carefully you can just about hear the sound of Hilton’s publicist being fired.